Dinner with Dr Jay Naidoo: The experience by Isaac Jonas

On August 21, 2014, the group, Young Pan African Dialogue (YPAD), organized a dinner with Dr.Jay Naidoo.  Dr. Naidoo was an instrumental force in organising and forming the largest and arguably most organised trade union organisation on the African continent in the form of Congress for South African Trade Unions (COSATU). Today, among other things, Jay dedicates his time serving through the United Nations formation Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). He also sits on the Mo Ibrahim Foundation where their work focuses on creating ‘Afrocentric’ indices to measure Africa’s opportunities, challenges and progress.

Isaac Jonas, a Graduate MasterCard Foundation Scholar, had an opportunity to attend this dinner and write a blog post for the Simon K.Y. Lee Global Lounge & Resource Centre. Read more here.

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