Faculty: Science
Program: Master of Data Science
Year: 2024
Country: Kenya
Gilbert can be described as a lover of fate and destiny but more so as a leader. He is a consultant, a researcher and a tutor. He approaches life with a positive mindset and sets realistic goals that are both achievable and impactful. He grew up in Nakuru and attended Lenana School. Gilbert holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University where he was involved in Scholars in Our Society and Africa (SOSA) , Dyson Students of Color Coalition (DSCC) , East African Studens Together (EAST) and volunteered for Ithaca Kitchen Cupboard and heavily involved in community service initiatives.
In Kenya, Gilbert volunteered for the Kenyan Scholar Access Program (KenSAP), a college access program that supports bright but financially disadvantaged Kenyan students in gaining admission to competitive universities in North America. In my role as both an instructor and a college counselor. I taught a class on academic writing and advised them on college selection. My
biggest accomplishments was improving the scholars academic acumen and skills to make them ready for success in college.
As an avid believer of knowledge/education as a great human equalizer in an increasingly capitalistic world, I hope to use my knowledge in social entrepreneurship. Specifically, I aim to start an organization that has incremental value to society. For me this is Ed tech, which equips learners with digital skills that are increasingly sought after in the market. By pursuing a degree in Data Science, I will be able to garner the necessary skills to see that people in the community gain knowledge and skills in data to propel them into successful careers in the future.
Vancouver being a melting pot of culture, I am excited to explore the city and its surrounding and form global friendships. I am looking forward to being a piece of the whole by being able to learn from different people as much as they can learn from me and engage in discussions about finding solutions to some of the pressing questions facing the world at the moment. And of course, exploring the beautiful surroundings of the Vancouver area.